Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Album 6 red velvet cake

1. A Status 
2. Don't Want One
3. That Line
4. Same as the First

Joy manifest behind the scenes
When I decided to give red velvet cake its name, I didn't know what to call the album and I was barely a fan of the dessert. 
I didn't know of allot of other popular desert names that began with R. So red velvet cake seemed a fitting name for an album. 
I figured if I was going to call the album this, I had to at least make an effort to  take a liking to the desert. I'm glad I heeded the call. I purchased red velvet cake ice cream and liked it, there was a cupcake place my mother turned me on to that also had an amazing red velvet cake flavor. I would have missed out on this anomaly of a treat had it no have been for this album. That said sometimes , if you're a writer or an artist and you really want  to modivate yourself to like something for the first time or take a liking to it over time, put that thing in your work. Chances are you'll appreciate that things in ways you never would have imagined. 

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