Tuesday, April 18, 2017

E1000 Book 1 Quest Euphoria

Album 1: Eclair
Album 2: Upside Down Cake
Album 3: Potato Chips

When I first planned quest euphoria and even the other 2 books as it was revealed that there would be other characters both me and my brothers came up with in the story, I recall being thrilled to make certain villains be main villains of the installment. Right off the bat nemesis seemed like a good fit for book 1. Nemesis is a sobering villain and it was a challenge for the good guys to escape but that's what made him such a good starting obstacle. To have such innocent joyful young characters trying to durvive and having to face fear inorder to clash with him, it made the story, part one in particular that much more interesting. 
Shard had a similar effect. I will go more into him next time I revise this. 

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